And speaking of minutes, I have interviews until noon, so why don't we get right to work? 说起时间,我的面试一直要搞到中午,我们何不早点开始呢?
Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. 人人有权工作,自由选择职业,享受公正和合适的工作条件并享受免於失业的保障。
Everyone has the right to work in a safe environment that is free from harassment of any sort! 每个人都有权利在一个安全的、没有任何骚扰的环境里工作!
Clearly, the right to work without intimidation is paramount. 显然,在工作中享有不受恐吓的权利非常重要。
'The right to work is a fundamental right,' he said. 他说,工作权是基本的权利。
I know I have the right to work for the university. That's legal. 我知道我有权利在大学里工作,那是合法的。
The Right to Work of Citizens and the Rights and Interests of Workers 公民的劳动权和劳动者的权益
This person will see the emails but doesn't necessarily have the right to work on the ticket. 这个人会看到电子邮件但不必有工作在该申请单的权利。
The right to work and enjoy social security is fundamental and concerns the interest of the general public. 劳动和社会保障权利是公民的基本权利,关系广大公民的切身利益。
Every citizen should have the right to work and to get payment. 我们每个公民都应该享有劳动权,也享有取得相应报酬的权利。
But they won't respect our right to work. 但他们不尊重我们工作的意愿。
The other part is a new method of granting residence permits, carrying the right to work. 另一方面,则是一个批准居留许可、赋予工作权利的新方案。
Employment is the direct embodiment of the citizens 'right to work. 就业是公民享有劳动权的直接体现。
The former includes right to life, right to work, and right to social security, while the latter, right to receive education, right of participation and right to share the fruits of development. 农民工的生存权主要包括生命权、劳动权和社会保障权,农民工的发展权主要包括受教育权、参与权和公平分享发展成果权。
Nobody can rob me of my right to work and speak. 谁也不能剥夺我工作说话的权利。
Notice they automatically go directly to the Woodcutter's Camp and get right to work. 注意他们会自动地直接去到伐木工人的营地和正确地工作。
Besides, they are justified in seeking the right to work and prosper in rural areas and to enjoy its benefits. 此外,对他们寻找工作的权力,在农村发展都是享受自身的权力,都是合理的。
He has a right to work for what he wants and, if he works hard enough, the chances are pretty good that he will get it. 他有权利为他自己想要的东西努力工作,如果他工作足够努力,他就有相当大的可能性得到想要的东西。
Equally it is right to work against money laundering through western financial centres. 同样的,借助西方金融中心反洗钱也是对的。
This also explains why they adopted a "de-gendering" strategy to fight for their right to work. 这也解释了何以女店职员捍卫其工作权时,经常采取「去性别化」的论述策略。
Everyone has the right to work for a fair wage in a safe environment and to join a trade union. 每个人都有工作的权利,应该享有合理的报酬和安全的工作环境,并且有权利加入工会。
Women, as well as men, have a fundamental right to work. 妇女和男人一样享有工作的基本权利。
Without the right to work, there will be no guarantee for the right to subsistence. 没有劳动权,生存权利也就没有保障。
Employment visas for faculty is one issue; of even more concern is that, under the new regime, graduating MBAs from non-EU countries will lose their existing right to work in the UK for two years after graduation. 教师的工作签证是一个问题;但人们更为关注的是,根据新政策,非欧盟国籍的MBA毕业生,将丧失现有的毕业后在英国工作两年的权利。
They have the right to work and rest, and the right to material assistance from the state and society when they are disabled; 各民族公民都有劳动、休息和丧失劳动能力时从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利;
The Lebanese parliament has passed new legislation that for the first time grants Palestinian refugees living in the country the right to work legally. 黎巴嫩议会通过了新的法案,首次赋予在该国居住的巴勒斯坦难民合法工作的权利。
I think a woman has as much right to work as a man. 我认为妇女和男子一样有权工作。
We have a right to work if we want to. 我们有权利在需要的时候工作。
Instead of waiting until tomorrow or Wednesday, Bob wants to get right to work. 鲍勃想马上投入工作而不是等到明天或星期三。
A citizen's right to work is the essential condition for his right to subsistence. 公民的劳动权利是获得生存权的必要条件。